Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Akira Hymie W. Couch

Born Wednesday May 27, 2009 a little after 6 pm.
(Too exausted to ask for exact time of birth. I will post more details later when I can think straight.)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Per request of the Shamalamaship.

Who lives in a apartment in Kuroishi?

Sponge Risa Tight Pants!

Sunday, March 15, 2009





Here is the ultra-sound scan where you can see his "boy parts".

*actual scan unavailable
*do not confuse with Napoleon Dynomite, he is authentic Dyno-mite!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

17 Weeks!

Pregers Update!

She is starting to burst at the seems! (Actually she is not showing that bad yet. We account it to her height.)

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Going into the 17th week the baby is doing great. We got to hear Dynamite's heartbeat for the first time today. It was amazingly fast but the doctor said it sounded strong and healthy.

Risa is now at the point where she can't fit into any of her old clothes and we had to do a little more maternity shopping this past weekend. I suggested to save money we just get a few muu-muus but she wasn't into that.

Just in time for the holidays our Christmas Cactus (Denmark Cactus) is starting to bloom. For the longest time we thought it was never going to bloom again, and like clockwork it opens right before Xmas day!

Here is Ris at our Christmas corner. Complete with a Festivus Pole!

For the rest of us, Happy Festivus!!

This is what we woke up to this morning. It is supposed to continue falling the rest of the week!

Oh, and btw.

We were officially married December 5th, 2008. The same day Risa's sister, mother, and grandmother were married! The actual marriage was very simple. Signed a few papers and handed over some cash. It was kind of a strange feeling when we were completely finished...the guy actually said "Thank you for all your hard work" at the end. Not "Congratulation" or anything. It felt like we just helped the guy shovel the walk or something!

But we are now officially Mr. and Mrs. Couch. Risa is already getting strange looks when she uses her full name, Risa Couch. A very foreign sounding name here. Yep, we're rockin' the boat here in Kuroishi!

It's been a long time coming and we are not even half way!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Week 9

We have had our second doctor's visit and everything is looking good!

Here is the latest ultrasound of Thunderstruck "Dynamite" Couch.

The two white crosses are his/her measurement. A healthy 22mm!

The doctors at Kuroishi hospital reminded us that they do not use any pain killers during birth. Risa was a little concerned since we would like to have a natural birth.

I reassured her that it couldn't be any worse than this:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Father To Be

October 6th, 2008 will be a day to remember! For everyone! For it is the day that Shamalama was told that he will be a father!

This is the first recorded picture of the soon to be famous

(Name pending.)

First grandson/daughter, first nephew/niece (sex also pending atm), first red-headed Japanese!

For anyone who has forgotten to breath due to the shock of me becoming a father...

"Deep breath, there ya go, now through your noes, aaahhh, that's better..."

Risa is now in her 8th week and we will know the exact due date by next doctor visit. Looking at a few charts the date should be around the end of May, beginning of June.

Oh, and since my choice of name will probably be shot down any suggestions are appreciated!

I will leave you with a couple pictures my grandmother sent me recently of two little devils some of you might recognize.